Thursday, May 23, 2024

Travel insurance offers a range of benefits designed to provide financial protection and peace of mind during your travels. Here are some key benefits:

 1. Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage
   -Trip Cancellation: Reimburses non-refundable pre-paid trip costs if you need to cancel due to covered reasons like illness, injury, or a death in the family.
   - Trip Interruption:Covers the cost of unused trip portions and additional expenses incurred to return home early for similar covered reasons.

 2. Medical Expense Coverage
   - Covers medical expenses if you get sick or injured during your trip. This is especially important if traveling abroad, where your regular health insurance might not provide coverage.

 3. Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
   - Covers the cost of transporting you to the nearest adequate medical facility or back home if necessary. It also includes the repatriation of remains in case of death.

 4. Baggage and Personal Belongings Coverage
   - Reimburses you for lost, stolen, or damaged baggage and personal items. This can include compensation for delayed baggage, allowing you to purchase essential items while you wait for your bags.

 5. Trip Delay Coverage
   - Provides reimbursement for additional expenses incurred due to travel delays, such as meals, accommodation, and transportation.

6. Travel Assistance Services
- Offers 24/7 assistance for a range of services including medical referrals, legal assistance, travel information, and emergency travel arrangements.

 7. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
   - Provides financial benefits to your beneficiaries in the event of death or serious injury resulting from an accident during your trip.

8. Rental Car Damage Coverage
   - Covers costs related to damage or theft of a rental car, often acting as a supplement or replacement for rental car company insurance.

9. Coverage for Specific Activities
   - Some policies offer coverage for high-risk activities like skiing, scuba diving, or hiking, which are often excluded from standard travel insurance policies.

10. Financial Default Coverage
   - Protects against the financial insolvency of your travel supplier, such as airlines, cruise lines, or tour operators, ensuring you are reimbursed for lost expenses.

Choosing the Right Policy
When selecting travel insurance, it's important to:
-Assess Your Needs:Consider the specifics of your trip, including the destination, duration, planned activities, and personal health.
- Compare Policies: Look at different policies to find one that offers the right balance of coverage and cost.
- Read the Fine Print:Understand what is and isn't covered, paying special attention to exclusions and conditions.

Travel insurance can be a small investment that provides significant peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy your trip without worrying about unforeseen expenses or emergencies.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


crop / livestock

Livestock insurance offers several advantages to farmers, providing them with financial protection and stability in the face of various risks. Here are some of the key advantages and benefits:

1. Risk Mitigation: Livestock insurance helps farmers mitigate the financial risks associated with unpredictable events such as disease outbreaks, accidents, natural disasters (like floods, droughts, or storms), and theft. By transferring the risk to the insurance company, farmers can protect their investment in livestock.

2. Financial Protection: In the event of loss or damage to livestock, insurance coverage provides financial compensation to farmers. This compensation helps cover the cost of replacing lost animals, repairing infrastructure, or recovering from other losses, reducing the economic impact on the farmer's livelihood.

3. Business Continuity: Livestock insurance contributes to the continuity of farming operations. Without insurance, significant losses could force farmers out of business or severely disrupt their ability to generate income. Insurance payouts enable farmers to rebuild their herds or make necessary repairs, allowing them to continue their operations without facing financial ruin.

4. Improved Access to Credit: Farmers with livestock insurance may find it easier to access credit or loans from financial institutions. Lenders often view insurance coverage as a risk management strategy, increasing the farmer's creditworthiness and lowering the perceived risk of lending to them.

5. Peace of Mind: Knowing that their livestock are insured provides farmers with peace of mind. It allows them to focus on their day-to-day operations without constant worry about potential losses due to unforeseen circumstances. This psychological benefit can lead to better decision-making and improved overall well-being.

6. Encouragement of Investment: Livestock insurance encourages farmers to invest in their operations by providing a safety net against losses. With the assurance of insurance coverage, farmers may be more willing to invest in higher-quality breeds, improved infrastructure, and better management practices, leading to increased productivity and profitability over time.

7. Stabilization of Livelihoods: For many farmers, livestock represents a significant portion of their livelihood. Insurance helps stabilize their income by protecting them from large financial losses that could jeopardize their ability to support themselves and their families. This stability enhances the resilience of farming communities, particularly in regions prone to environmental or economic volatility.

8. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture: By safeguarding farmers against risks, livestock insurance supports sustainable agricultural practices. It encourages farmers to adopt risk-reducing measures and invest in long-term sustainability, such as disease prevention, improved animal welfare, and environmental conservation.

livestock daily 

Overall, livestock insurance plays a crucial role in supporting the livelihoods of farmers, promoting agricultural resilience, and contributing to food security by ensuring the continued productivity of livestock-based enterprises.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021




Insurance Ensures Family and Business Stability

Insurance is a safety net for when risks go wrong. Life insurance can support the life of a family, should a member be lost. It’s similar for a business. Should a key member or piece of equipment go out of commission, This reason why insurance is important dovetails nicely with peace of mind (No. 4). It all goes back to the idea that insurance, when activated, makes policyholders .

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Golfers Insurance

Golfers Insurance
Covers golfing equipment against accidental loss or damage, hole-in-one as well as public liability. The cover also provides personal accident cover to the insured and their personal effects

Thursday, May 27, 2021



Crop insurance indemnifies you against the loss of crop due to natural disasters, such as hail, drought, and floods. At Swell view  we ensure your ultimate happiness.

Under our Crop policy we cover:

1) Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)

A seasonal cover against physical loss or damage to growing crops directly caused by assorted natural calamities such as Drought, Uncontrollable Pests & Diseases, Hailstone Damage, Flooding, Fire, Lightning, Earthquake, Explosion, Frost and Windstorm.

In this, we cover all sorts of crops in a single strand of large or small farms. The claim payable is determined by a qualified expert who inspects and scientifically quantifies the magnitude of the loss.

Cover for all kinds of crops irrespective the farm size, cover from any form of loss associated with nature, stability, improved financial management and comfort in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

2) Named-Peril Crop Insurance (NPCI)

In this, we offer to cover all sorts of crops in small or large farms. The claim payable is determined by a qualified expert who inspects and scientifically quantifies the magnitude of the loss.

The cover is given to Broilers of 0 days to 8 weeks and Layers of 0 days to 1½ years. This cover Indemnifies on the insured’s bird’s death due to; uncontrollable diseases and Accidents. The cover can be extended to cover Transit Risk as well as Theft. Threshold for the cover is a Minimum premium of 5,000 Kenya shillings. The policy covers the maximum capacity of birds that a farmer’s structure can hold.

Cover for all kinds of crops irrespective the farm size, stability, improved financial management and comfort in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

This is cover steel structured greenhouses only irrespective of size. The indemnity is based on the actual loss as assessed and quantified by our appointed loss assessors less deductibles.

Cover for all kinds of crops, assured stability, improved financial management and comfort in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

4.) Forest Insurance

This is cover for commercial tree farms, fruit orchards, natural forests and tree nurseries against; fire, lightning, windstorm, flooding, hail etc.

The tree value is evaluated by a forest ranger or a qualified specialist and agreed before cover. The claim payable is determined by a qualified loss assessor who inspects and scientifically quantifies the magnitude of loss less deductibles.

Cover for all kinds of commercial and aesthetic trees, assured stability, improved financial management and peace in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

5.) Area Yield Index Insurance (AYII)

A seasonal cover for crop yield shortfall below the historical average yield in a unit area of insurance (UAI).

It can only be for a particular crop within a defined area of homogeneous production. Payout is based on a crop cutting exercises results done at the end of the harvesting period.

Cover for all kinds of crops, assured stability of many farmers in one location, affordable, improved financial management and peace in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

6.) Weather Index Insurance (WII)

A seasonal cover for loss or damage to growing crops directly caused by deficit or excesses in weather conditions such as temperature, sunlight, wind speed or rainfall.

It can only be for a particular crop within a defined area of homogeneous weather patterns. Payout based on actual weather measurement at the reference weather station or satellite in relation to effects at any stage of a crop growth cycle.

Cover for many farmers at once, assured stability, affordable, easy claim process, improved financial management and peace in knowing there is a safety net for unexpected loss and associated costs.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Plate Glass Insurance

This policy covers the breakage of glass through any cause (except the exclusions specified in the policy). It pays a sum equal to the cost of the broken glass calculated at the current price of glass on the date of accident, up to the value specified in the Policy Schedule. Details such as measurement of the glass, the location and the sum insured pertaining to each piece must be provided to the Insurers for proper assessment of the risk.


Motor Insurance

Motor insurance protects insured against financial loss in the event that the motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen. It also covers third party liabilities.

There are three types of insurance policies that can be issued to motor owners:

Third Party:
This type of policy covers third party bodily injury and property damage arising out of use of motor vehicle.
Third party Fire & Theft cover:
In addition to the cover in (a) above, the policy extends to cover theft and fire. It is more expensive than Third party.
Comprehensive cover:
It covers third party liability and property damage to the vehicle ie damage arising out of fire, theft and accidental damage to the vehicle. Comprehensive doesn't mean that it covers all risks. There are exclusions.

Under motor insurance we give cover to:

Private cars
Commercial vehicles
General cartage vehicles
School buses
Tour vehicles
Motor trade plates
Motor contingent liability
Motor cycles

Life Rider Benefits

Our motor insurance cover has a life policy rider which covers the insured against death whether the car is involved or not. The cover is available to:

The owner of the vehicle (the insured)
Nuclear family members of the vehicle's owner
Driver of the insured
Driver(s) of commercial vehicles

Friday, May 14, 2021

We give you the Best Insurance services ever

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Motor Insurance

Motor insurance protects insured against financial loss in the event that the motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen. It also covers third party liabilities.

There are three types of insurance policies that can be issued to motor owners:

  1. Third Party:
    This type of policy covers third party bodily injury and property damage arising out of use of motor vehicle.
  2. Third party Fire & Theft cover:
    In addition to the cover in (a) above, the policy extends to cover theft and fire. It is more expensive than Third party.
  3. Comprehensive cover:
    It covers third party liability and property damage to the vehicle ie damage arising out of fire, theft and accidental damage to the vehicle. Comprehensive doesn't mean that it covers all risks. There are exclusions.

Under motor insurance we give cover to:

  • Private cars
  • Commercial vehicles
  • General cartage vehicles
  • School buses
  • Tour vehicles
  • Tractors
  • Motor trade plates
  • Motor contingent liability
  • Motor cycles

Life Rider Benefits

Our motor insurance cover has a life policy rider which covers the insured against death whether the car is involved or not. The cover is available to:

  • The owner of the vehicle (the insured)
  • Nuclear family members of the vehicle's owner
  • Driver of the insured
  • Driver(s) of commercial vehicles

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Travel insurance offers a range of benefits designed to provide financial protection and peace of mind during your travels. Here are some ke...